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Unprotected Dark Automotive Glass May Offer A False Sense of Security – Window Films May Improve A Vehicle’s Safety and Comfort

Washington, D.C. – June 7, 2022– Unprotected dark automotive glass may offer a false sense of security to vehicle owners who may believe dark glass affords them protection from the sun’s harmful Ultra Violet (UV) rays, according to the nonprofit International Window Film Association (IWFA).

“Many newer vehicles have dark or dyed glass from the manufacturer and it may give consumers the impression of being protected from the sun’s harmful UV rays, but most original equipment manufacturer dyed glass does not, unless it has UV inhibitors added into the glass,” said Darrell Smith, executive director of the IWFA. “As an aftermarket product, all quality window films reduce the sun’s UV rays by 99 percent and may also reduce the sun’s heat by as much as 55 percent,” added Smith.

Automotive window films may improve comfort and safety for occupants by reducing the sun’s harmful UV rays that lead to cancers and cataracts, helping to keep the cabin cooler, which means the air conditioning system doesn’t need to work as hard, especially when the vehicle is stopped in traffic.

As far as safety improvement, window film may help passengers in two ways:  first, window film decreases the chance of glass fragments flying in upon impact, and may even help to prevent passengers from being ejected from the vehicle during a collision. In addition, passengers may also be protected from granules of flying glass that may cause lacerations and eye injuries.

The IWFA offers information on its website on the laws that govern how dark window film can be so consumers can be familiar with their local window film laws before making a decision on installation. Some jurisdictions will levy fines to the owner and / or operator of the vehicle and may require the window film to be removed if its does not meet the local law.

The IWFA offers a free automotive window film booklet on its website under the heading ‘Learn About Film’ with the sub-title of ‘Automotive’. This guide offers information to help consumers decide whether to have window film added to their vehicle.