Group comraderie with hands placed in the center

Coming Together

By Darrell Smith

November is a good month to reflect on all that happened during the last 11 months. It’s a good month because we honor the gift that our veterans gave us in protecting our nation, our families and our freedom, even at the loss of their own chance to enjoy this bountiful nation.

Of course November is also when we come together to give thanks and celebrate Thanksgiving at the end of the month. All of this takes place before the more hectic month of December when we get ready to celebrate Christmas and other holidays such as Chanukah and Kwanza.

But this month, I am also grateful to the many, many people in the window film industry who came together to help one another out throughout the difficult months of the pandemic and into the more ‘get back to business’ mode of this summer and fall. Many of the IWFA’s board of directors were able to meet together in person at a traditionally key meeting held in Raleigh, North Carolina. While video conferences certainly have been able to fill in the gaps, nothing can take the place of talking to someone face-to-face and sharing insights and developments that may help to shape the industry.

For our family and friends, there is also more of a sense of things getting back to normal, where children can go out and trick or treat once again, our veteran’s can participate in parades, and we can come together to a warm welcome and feast at Thanksgiving .

I hope you can come together too, in your business, with your family and with your community and to celebrate so much and be grateful for the strength that has been given to us to overcome so much adversity.