Modern building in Paris

Make Your Home The Best It Has Ever Been in 2015

We all have New Year’s resolutions and it’s a great feeling to make plans that will improve our health, our homes and our lifestyles. Making a resolution is a great way to kick off the year with the hope that the year ahead will be even better than the last.

When it comes to our homes, resolutions for home improvement don’t have to be expensive to make a great impact. Just like committing to an exercise regimen, resolutions and goals need to be realistic and achievable. Installation of professionally installed window film for 2015 is a great idea for a variety of reasons. It is a cost-effective enhancement that helps you live better by protecting your family’s skin (not to mention your furniture, rugs and art) from UV damage, making the building envelope more energy efficient, and more comfortable too.

The IWFA is dedicated to helping home owners understand how professionally installed window film can help make their home environment more comfortable, safer, more energy efficient and healthier all at once! I can’t think of any single home improvement or product that can make a difference in all of these areas!

Consumers that want to use less energy at home often find professionally installed window film makes a difference by reducing solar heat gain through windows. Windows usually let great views in, but the trouble is they may let in uncomfortable heat and glare as well.

Window film can reduce glare and save energy at the same time. Today’s modern window films come in a wide range of shades, from being almost invisible to more noticeable options for those seeking a new aesthetic. The choice is all yours – but you’ll enjoy great benefits no matter what you select!

Start 2015 smarter than ever, and check out some of the great information the IWFA has put together for consumers that want to make their home better than ever this year. Please visit the International Window Film Association website and join our Facebook and Twitter communities to stay on top of news about window film, including any valuable rebate and tax incentives. And be sure you stay informed (and maybe even entertained) by checking out ourlatest videos on YouTube!

If you want to get all of the unbiased facts on window film, our consumer-focused booklets on energy savings and health benefits can be downloaded free. In addition, it’s easy to find a professional in our dealer locator so you’ll have everything you need to make your home a healthier, cozier and hopefully a happier place in the New Year.

If you are an industry professional, don’t forget to register for our newsletter The IWFA VIEW to make your business the best it can be in 2015. Happy New Year to all!