Independence Everyday

By Darrell Smith

Growing up in southwestern Virginia I learned early on what being in business for yourself really meant. Namely, lots of hard work, sometimes heartache and worry, but after all the work was done, I felt the satisfaction of ownership.

The window film industry is chock full of many independent success stories. Some individuals came into the industry from another business and made the decision to apply the skills learned in a previous line of work to running a window film operation.

I know of a top salesperson who moved from the soft drink industry to making a purchase of window film shop. This individual applied his sales and marketing skill to expanding the business and has become very successful as a result.

Many window film businesses are women-owned, or family-owned. A ‘window film business’  couple may split their duties, with one focused on window film installation and operations, while the other runs sales, staffing and billing.

If you are just starting out, even a recent high school graduate, you can get training in window film installation, and in a relatively short period be running a small business installing window film on vehicles or homes or commercial buildings.

On this July 4th, Independence Day, we want acknowledge and salute the many individual businesses, franchise operations, and large-scale multi-dealer companies that characterize the window film industry. Together they help the window film industry continue to offer strong and growing business opportunities for many independent-minded individuals.

Happy Independence Day to you and yours!